Things I miss

Well to start with, Full cream Jersey milk straight from the fridge. Then there is Jersey new potatoes, Black butter, Jersey honey, Fresh Fish, Trips to St Malo, St Ouens bay, (Maybe I have been in Kenya too long. I think I need to visit home soon.) More things I miss: Black winkles, Good wine at reasonable prices (It is very expensive here in Kenya), Carrot cake, Jersey bean crock, a reference library (Voi does not have a library), long walks in the country (can't do it now, I have a problem with my legs), intellectual conversation (not to belittle the Kenyan but I live in a market town most of the people I know have had very little or even no education), I miss my sister, have not spoken to her for too long, conga ell soup, real ale (the only beer here is either largar or Guinness), fishing.